About the VROZ
A place to share the joys of virtual reality with everyone.

Introducing the VROZ

What is the VROZ?

VROZ stands for Virtual Reality Open magaZine, a internet news that collects and creates news about virtual reality emerging in the metaverse era. It also developed a virtual streaming solution represented by a virtual human, a magical continent 'OZ' in virtual reality with a wizard as the main character. Look forward to the various services VROZ will introduce in the future.

What is the BrozAsia Inc?

BrozAsia Inc., which operates VROZ, is a global company that re-launched Seoul Broz Inc. in 2021. This company was founded in Seoul, Korea and provided various metaverse services. In January 2023, the company changed its name to expand its metaverse-related services globally. We are preparing branches in the United States, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Kyrgyzstan, and are working on various global services for the world.
Company Name
BrozAsia Co., Ltd.
HJ Lee
Date of establishment
January, 2023
Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Virtual Human Solution Development, Virtual Streamer Internet News, Fan-based Community, Shopping Mall


We introduce partners who are conducting various business cooperation with VROZ.

일본의 AR/VR 소프트웨어 개발사
커버 주식회사

일본의 글로벌 버튜버 사무소
홀로라이브 프로덕션

한국의 종합 엔터테인먼트 기업

건강한 식품 만들기를 실천하는
세양 주식회사

함께하는 오늘, 잘풀리는 내일

고객과 함께 100년
주식회사 무학

크리에이터 IP 통합관리 플랫폼

한국의 VSinger 프로덕션

버튜버 플랫폼 마스코즈 제작사

한국의 게임 전문 MCN

음악과 게임을 결합한
새로운 문화를 만드는 스타트업

인간 사랑을 실천하는 존경받는 대학
순천향대학교 산학협력단